Thursday, February 12, 2009

Initially Surprised

In perusing this website, I discovered that I have the same initals as William Shakespeare and the World Series. Coincidence? I think not. I just can't imagine why I never thought of it before. See what famous things or people you share famous letters with.


  1. So I have no idea who any of those people were that I share my initials with! There was a Jesse Helms.. that was interesting. haha

  2. OMG Becky...that is the coolest thing we know where your love of words and baseball come from. And I always thought it was me :) I'm going to that site RIGHT NOW!

  3. Hey, you also forgot to mention Willard Scott, who would give you your love of weather, good, bad, and otherwise, Willie Shoemaker, famous jockey, giving you the love of all things involving fast horses, and William Shatner, aka, Captain Kirk, navigator of the Starship Enterprise turned telemarketer! Oh, the things you can know when you know where to go!
    Live long and prosper.
